Can you provide us with the report information
A big part of the early access journey will be uncovering and fixing bugs within the platform - some of which will only become apparent once you, the community, get your hands on it and start playing. We hope having an active community onboard...
1451.18s JNILog.cpp 34: DataPlugin: Received 900 packets with 10476 bytes of data and counting.
1455.57s NetComm.cpp 3877: [NETLOG] Sent Sync Event @ et=828.990000
1461.01s CommMain.cpp 1003: Could not find commentary event "TiresTooColdWarning"
1463.78s AsyncSocket. 558: [NETLOG] Fatal error on user send due to state. Type: TCP State: Closed
1463.78s Connection.c 276: [NETLOG]
Server@ Failed to send any tcp data, current app buffer size: 12
1463.78s Connection.c 213: [NETLOG]
Server@ Fatal error on async socket send, os error: .. Last time app send called 0.252s ago, last successful os send 0.252s ago, last app receive 192.718s, last os receive 0.245s ago. Data rate up/down over last 299.22s app: 0.05/0.00KB/s os: 0.05/0.00KB/s. Calls send/receive: 1186/5 os: 1186/431493 Tick send: 431860 Avg queue size send/receive: 0.03/.2f
1463.78s HotPacket.cp 1153: [NETLOG] Disconnected unexpectedly from server.
1463.78s HotPacket.hp 70: Node Remove: nodeID=14
1463.78s NetComm.cpp 11455: [NETLOG] NetComm:ushToChats : Connection lost
1463.79s NetComm.cpp 11455: [NETLOG] NetComm:
ushToChats : Connection lost
1463.79s JNILog.cpp 34: New Message received: Connection lost
1463.79s JNILog.cpp 34: New Message received: Connection lost
1464.56s NetComm.cpp 1239: [PERF] Statistics over the last 300.002s:
1464.56s NetComm.cpp 1348: [PERF] client stats 300.002: totalDownloadRate 0.00;downloadRateGuaranteed 0.00;downloadRateLossy 0.00;totalUploadRate 0.00;uploadRateGuaranteed 0.00;uploadRateLossy 0.00;