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  1. L

    90 min race and not allowed to change all tires?

    Well 0 tyres is 0 tyres, but 4 tyres means just change all the tyres. Wonder if anyone in real life says "hell, why do I only get 18 tyres? Gimme 32 tyres so I can change 'em all!" Maybe next time it's 4, or 8, or 6 again. Just do the same thing every time and then it's "need more tracks, too...
  2. L


    On the main i2 screen, press V on your keyboard. That will show the channel list on the right. See if you have these channels: If you do, skip down to where I'm showing the screenshot of i2Pro below. So, if you don't have those channels, go to this path and edit the DAMPlugin.ini with notepad...
  3. L

    How is this fair?....

    To be fair I could probably script 80% of my responses and no one would know 😂 Yeah, fair enough, can’t keep driving like that. But could have been genuinely unaware of where you were on each of those. Not being beginners is a strike for sure.
  4. L

    How is this fair?....

    So this’ll be controversial… I could absolutely imagine a new (to online, at least) player doing each of those contacts with absolutely no malicious intent, and even thinking they’re taking part in an epic battle like they’ve seen in real life. I’d be more annoyed at drivers I’ve seen racing...
  5. L

    90 min race and not allowed to change all tires?

    OMG I have to strategy???
  6. L

    G27 Steering Lock changed mid session

    Ok, well... may or may not be the issue, but waaaaay back in the day when I had a G25/G27, I had issues with profiles switching by themselves. Once I set it to always just use the global settings for all games, I had no issues. Admittedly you then have the 'issue' of needing to set it for...
  7. L

    LMU and Motec

    Check your interpolation settings. Most channels by default will interpolate between values, this looks like it's set to 'last' (or whatever it's called).
  8. L

    Are car contacts weighted all the same?

    No. Very small touches are shown in the summary but have zero SR impact.
  9. L


    Just take your time, go back over what I've posted. Check your folders against what I've shown, to find the files to edit, and where to copy things. My folder screenshots have the full paths at the top, so you can make sure you're in the right place.
  10. L

    This is... not okay...

    Ooh, even driving too slow? That could be confusing :) (obviously I've never got a driving too slow penalty... *cough*)
  11. L


    Whoa, no numbers, this is a public forum lol The PluginData is in your second screenshot above. I'm showing you where it goes.
  12. L


    Yeah, that's not a log file. I don't know what that is. Logs look like this
  13. L


  14. L


    Ok, ok, back a step: Find the dll in Bin64\Plugins, and put that .dll file into the Le Mans Ultimate\Plugins folder. Then put that PluginData into the Le Mans Ultimate folder.
  15. L


    So there's no DAMPlugin.ini in your Le Mans Ultimate\UserData\player folder? In that case, edit the CustomPluginVariables.JSON in that same folder, and add this (or edit what's there, if there's a DAMPlugin entry): "DAMPlugin.dll": { " Enabled": 1 }, If it still doesn't work, you...
  16. L


    The plugin should put the logs in Le Mans Ultimate\LOG by default. It'll create that folder. So no need to change anything there on the plugin, and browse to there in i2Pro.
  17. L


    Ok, few quick things to start with: - in your UserData\player folder, is there a DAMPlugin.ini file? That would indicate that the plugin is actually running (if not, couple of things we can look at) - the beeps/voices need the PluginData placed into the LMU folder (between Packages and Plugins...
  18. L

    How is this fair?....

    It's proving to be an interesting transition as the game gets more popular, in that a lot of people buying it are probably more leaning towards being 'gamers' than 'simracers' and don't quite get it. Certainly hope a timeout or two will get the message across. Something that strikes me now is...
  19. L

    This is... not okay...

    So having looked at the trace, and trying to acquaint myself with the reporting syntax for penalties, it looks like a penalty was given for driving too slow during the formation sequence. The penalty was given only 17 seconds after the formation lap started, so I can understand if you didn't see...
  20. L

    G27 Steering Lock changed mid session

    Thanks, probably not what I was suspecting. I assume you don't have any profiles defined in the logitech software? Just run those global settings all the time?