The name of the account during multiplayer


New member
I currently interpret the competition rules etc. as requiring the use of real names for account names. (Sorry if this is wrong!) .
However, if in the future multiplayer on private servers or other multiplayer modes are implemented, will it be possible to use nicknames in those modes?
While we believe that using real names is the right choice in competitive modes, we believe that a more casual participation option in other modes would reduce the difficulty of playing against online friends and others who do not know your real name.
For starters I don't think it's right to force anyone to use their real name online, when you sign up the developers have that information and should be all that is required as it is linked to your account. Your profile name should be just that, your profile name nothing more. Any issues with behaviour can still be dealt with.

If I don't want other players to know my real name that should be my choice not the developers.
You just forget you're on a SimRacing game highly realistic, with a proper serie.

I don't want to race against people using funny nickname, and even less insulting or totally inapproprite names.

The rule Name Surname NickName is good, but you need to give "realistic" data and not random names. There is no rule to use your real name i think.

By the way, leaving people changing names randomly is just a good way to play unfair with other people and depenalize bad behaviours.
Add some unranked servers and let them play between them. Or let them use hosted servers ...

If i was at S397, i would probably already ban a few drivers i see too often.

Also giving your SteamId or Discord id is probably more dangerous than your real actual name which is surely not unique in this galaxy.
How do you plan to have team racing in a racing game in the future that won't let you use a team name?

GMR is Grease Monkey Racing, unless I'm absolutely blind all teams have team names, and yes I know the drivers use their real names but remember at the end of the day this is still a game.

What profile name I use should still be down to me as long as it's not offensive!
How do you plan to have team racing in a racing game in the future that won't let you use a team name?

GMR is Grease Monkey Racing, unless I'm absolutely blind all teams have team names, and yes I know the drivers use their real names but remember at the end of the day this is still a game.

What profile name I use should still be down to me as long as it's not offensive!
BTW I was already told before as long as I used my real name for my account that I could use whatever profile name I wanted, that it wasn't an issue. So it's a bit confusing as they let me reset profile name over a month ago.
The team is linked to the car/skin you choose, not your name.

LMU has done nothing on that subject at this moment.

Priorly in rF2 you make a dedicated skin to a team and fill data inside (veh file or rcd). Team Name, drivers, manufacturer of car, country ...

You really think we should always see [Redbull] Max Verstappen on official F1 live streams ?

By the way, with F1 becoming almost all black/nude, it would be handy, but totally awful visually.
No I am talking about Gamertags that you have used or are associated with, like on twitch my channel name is gmr_puma_91

That is what people know me by and something I want to keep. Hope you understand where I am coming from.
I totally understand ... Use that as NickName but choose some Surname/Name like Gmr Puma/Nineone ... it will be Ok. Nineone will appear alone on some overlays for example, where they choose Name only or Gmr P. Nineone can happen too. A lot more natural and less "game".
Your choice.
I assume my name, always. That is part of the game.
We are in a simracing community, not in a casual console gameplay community.

Knowing each other is a good thing and is important.

You don't want to show your real name, ok, choose one but stay on it.

By the way, using a specific nickname is probably worst. You probably have more info on DanRZ than on my real actual name, which is probably used by another thousands of people. Hide in the mass ...

Admins here have your IP, mail adress and probably more data you didn't expect, which has more impact than just your actual name.
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Your choice.
I assume my name, always. That is part of the game.
We are in a simracing community, not in a casual console gameplay community.

Knowing each other is a good thing and is important.

You don't want to show your real name, ok, choose one but stay on it.

By the way, using a specific nickname is probably worst. You probably have more info on DanRZ than on my real actual name, which is probably used by another thousands of people. Hide in the mass ...

Admins here have your IP, mail adress and probably more data you didn't expect, which has more impact than just your actual name.
Thank you for your reply to a fellow member of the PC master race.

In this day and age nobody has to explain, why they do not want to see their name in some random twitch stream or YouTube Video.

I will uninstall this game as soon as I am at home.
End of the game. Sorry for that.
It is a shame that they do not have an option for a different Display Name.

I will however not use a false name for my account.
Imagine putting hundreds or thousands of hours into a game and then the accounts gets - rightfully - closed, because you violated their terms.
But ultimately, it's up to you.....
Yes, it is up to me to provide false information and always be in danger to lose my investment of time or to invest my time in another product or products, where I will not face this issue.

The decision is quite easy to deduct, btw.
Not false but choosen. They never asked to write full real name. Most of iRacing players were already using their real name, the same on the credit card 😁 and kept the habit.

If it's a real problem, ask them to change it now, with the name you choose. They will surely do it fast.

There is a real problem around that. They should set the "Nick name" free to change, but not the Real Name, which only the server knows.
That is probably a good suggestion to S397.

Beginners will show their Nick Name.
But intermediate and others will show their Real Name, for example.

Your ratings are based on Real Name and not Nick Name. I mean, i guess ...
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Not false but choosen. They never asked to write full real name. Most of iRacing players were already using their real name, the same on the credit card 😁 and kept the habit.

If it's a real problem, ask them to change it now, with the name you choose. They will surely do it fast.

First, nobody has to explain why they do not want to present their official real name to be served on a silver platter to be blasted over Twitch, YouTube, Kick and maybe later end up in a mash-up to be available everywhere on the net.

Second, to hold a credit card you have to be of legal age, if I recall correctly.

Steam is available for minors (age of 14 years). The game itselfs does not have an age restriction.

The terms of use say also state that they could post results (with official real names) on their website.
As a jaded old person I think it is an interesting decision by the legal department of the studio/publisher to demand the official real name.
Do a search for "grooming" and you are not in Kansas anymore, but in the land of impending rubbish
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The competition rules state real name, or just don't use the Race Control service.

It's probably so we don't have a grid full of xX_RacerX69_Xx etc... To show this racing is serious and competative, there could be official races in future.