Possible aliasing solutions?


Well-known member
Until MSAA gets rolled out for VR I have increased the resolution which helps, have tweaked the Nvidia settings for more AA and have full x16 AA in-game settings.

But it needs that MSAA smoothing.

Till then, is there anything I am missing or can possibly add to improve things?
Yes aliasing hurts

I did increase a lot supersampling rendered resolution in both my Q2 and NEO3 link
It helped but yes its still there hurting my eyes

In RF2 MSAA works very well so here are my hopes
But does LMU have this YEBI thig that could explain why we see pronounced aliasing?
I tried supersampling and messing with the settings in NVIDIA control panel but it doesn't seem to make any noticeable difference other than slowing things down. I've got a Bigscreen Beyond which has decent resolution already but would love to smooth out the jaggies and minimize the shimmering. Anything specific that improved things for you peeps?
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Actually SS seems to be working for me now. Not sure what I was doing before (possibly unrealistic expectations of graphics settings :) Set to 150% SS on low graphics settings it actually looks pretty decent. Barely any shimmer or jaggies. Quite the performance hit though! No eye candy for me!
As VR users, do you experience CTD each time you step from qualify to race?
Yup, if you start a practice or quali session it'll CTD when you progress to the next session. I've reported it a couple of times. You just have to exit to menu and then start the weekend again. If you don't drive in the session you can click next session and it'll progress, or just turn that session off when starting the weekend. Not ideal but it works for now.

I'm not sure if VR is their focus at the moment. I imagine they are still fixing stability issues on pancake in time for Le Mans 24hour in June but maybe those fixes will have the side-effect of fixing this issue. Things are still glitching out, and crashing occasionally for people which all points to memory related issues. These are amplified in VR so we can expect things to be a bit more unstable but with any luck the same fixes may apply. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for VR to become the development focus.
Yup, if you start a practice or quali session it'll CTD when you progress to the next session. I've reported it a couple of times. You just have to exit to menu and then start the weekend again. If you don't drive in the session you can click next session and it'll progress, or just turn that session off when starting the weekend. Not ideal but it works for now.

I'm not sure if VR is their focus at the moment. I imagine they are still fixing stability issues on pancake in time for Le Mans 24hour in June but maybe those fixes will have the side-effect of fixing this issue. Things are still glitching out, and crashing occasionally for people which all points to memory related issues. These are amplified in VR so we can expect things to be a bit more unstable but with any luck the same fixes may apply. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for VR to become the development focus.
More than just not being a focus, VR isn't supported. So there won't be any targeted bug fixes until they actually implement VR support (at which point the bugs might disappear/change anyway).