Yup, if you start a practice or quali session it'll CTD when you progress to the next session. I've reported it a couple of times. You just have to exit to menu and then start the weekend again. If you don't drive in the session you can click next session and it'll progress, or just turn that session off when starting the weekend. Not ideal but it works for now.
I'm not sure if VR is their focus at the moment. I imagine they are still fixing stability issues on pancake in time for Le Mans 24hour in June but maybe those fixes will have the side-effect of fixing this issue. Things are still glitching out, and crashing occasionally for people which all points to memory related issues. These are amplified in VR so we can expect things to be a bit more unstable but with any luck the same fixes may apply. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for VR to become the development focus.