LM Ultimate VR thread

No, I didn't try many options yet. VD set to VDXR, opencomposite switcher to opencomposite, openxr toolkit set to CAS 100% and resolution 3600x3600 worked very well on my system. In overcast weather it looks quite nice.
ok thanks again.I am a NEO3Link owner so with the picture clarity and sharpness provided by the DP cable connection,I dont usually do supersampling so not a VD user.
but I understand the benefits with the P4.
will try VR over the weekend.
I have to set my open composite runtime switcher to "switch to SteamVR" before i can get VR to run? What am i doing wrong? It works fine in rF2.
Hi guys... I have a problem and I hope you can help me
I use OpenXR (OperXRToolkit + PimaxXR) and I set steamVR as default BUT I can't open the OpenXRToolkit settings menu to change resolution, brightness, contrast, colors, CAS, FSR etc.etc.; if instead I use openComposite it works perfectly!!!
Can anyone explain to me why???
At the moment this is like looking through the sweet shop window with empty pockets.
Great to have a look and smell, but oh how I would love a real taste.

I would like to start getting my SR up but can't drive with a flat screen after years of VR. Would be nice to know realistically what time scale the VR is going to be open online.

Have to say I ain't a dev but puzzled how triples can get on line but VR can't, effectively 2 screens?
I find it "strange" that there are updates and that they are of such little importance... Let me explain better: so far I have seen updates with solutions to relatively small problems, I don't understand why there still isn't an update that solves much more serious problems ( VR, online server with disconnections and various problems, slow menus, unclear FFB etc. etc.).
I'm sorry to say this because I hope it's an up to par simulator but it almost seems like they took RF2 from a year or two ago and used it as it was, I don't seem to see all the improvements from the last few periods of RF2 (for example the improvements on server-side multiplayer now stable and functional).
I want to convince myself that this is not the case and that within a short time (I repeat: SHORT TIME!!!!) there will be serious patches that make everything perfectly playable and enjoyable, at present it is little more than a demo!!!!
Obviously personal opinion and I would be very happy if the various Admins proved me wrong!!!!
I find it "strange" that there are updates and that they are of such little importance... Let me explain better: so far I have seen updates with solutions to relatively small problems, I don't understand why there still isn't an update that solves much more serious problems ( VR, online server with disconnections and various problems, slow menus, unclear FFB etc. etc.).
I'm sorry to say this because I hope it's an up to par simulator but it almost seems like they took RF2 from a year or two ago and used it as it was, I don't seem to see all the improvements from the last few periods of RF2 (for example the improvements on server-side multiplayer now stable and functional).
I want to convince myself that this is not the case and that within a short time (I repeat: SHORT TIME!!!!) there will be serious patches that make everything perfectly playable and enjoyable, at present it is little more than a demo!!!!
Obviously personal opinion and I would be very happy if the various Admins proved me wrong!!!!
It is exactly what it is
LMU is in Early Access.
It's not 100% functional.
ATM, VR isn't suported, we use a workaround.
They have launched 4 updates in 10 days.
ok thanks again.I am a NEO3Link owner so with the picture clarity and sharpness provided by the DP cable connection,I dont usually do supersampling so not a VD user.
but I understand the benefits with the P4.
will try VR over the weekend.
the hack worked well for me with the QUEST2.
I had to use the single dll file method to get opencomposite/openxr toolkit to work though
Need to play with rendered resolution and supersampling now because the game don't look pretty with the aliasing very present

performances are OK but I noticed a massive crash trying to use FRR after launching OculusTrayTool. anyone that could confirm here if FOV adjustment make the Game unstable?
Has anyone got online to work with VR in any fashion? I just can’t do 2D anymore. Works offline but bins the PC loading online.
Anybody using reshade with oopenxr? I only found out today this was a possibility, even with rf2.
Actually I do, I tried to use vr toolkit reshade toolset and it works.

Set it up in rfactor2 to your likening and copy the reshade plugging, folder and dxi file to lmu and it works

Easiest way to set it up is with rfactor2 setting widget, you could even try to use / force fxaa so reshade tries to smooth the lines and borders if your gpu have the oomph

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You need to download the .dll 64-bit library from here and replace it in the game folder. And then OpenXR ToolKit will work, respectively, without launching SteamVR.
Actually I do, I tried to use vr toolkit reshade toolset and it works.

Set it up in rfactor2 to your likening and copy the reshade plugging, folder and dxi file to lmu and it works

Easiest way to set it up is with rfactor2 setting widget, you could even try to use / force fxaa so reshade tries to smooth the lines and borders if your gpu have the oomph

I find it "strange" that there are updates and that they are of such little importance... Let me explain better: so far I have seen updates with solutions to relatively small problems, I don't understand why there still isn't an update that solves much more serious problems ( VR, online server with disconnections and various problems, slow menus, unclear FFB etc. etc.).
I'm sorry to say this because I hope it's an up to par simulator but it almost seems like they took RF2 from a year or two ago and used it as it was, I don't seem to see all the improvements from the last few periods of RF2 (for example the improvements on server-side multiplayer now stable and functional).
I want to convince myself that this is not the case and that within a short time (I repeat: SHORT TIME!!!!) there will be serious patches that make everything perfectly playable and enjoyable, at present it is little more than a demo!!!!
Obviously personal opinion and I would be very happy if the various Admins proved me wrong!!!!
at time we got no updates, just hot fixes
Thats a big difference.
And EA is nothing that gets to end in A SHORT TIME.
If you know and remember ACC, that startet with ONE track and ONE car in EA. And it was several month to the full game.
On the other side, we got a detailed timeline for the EA cycle back in the days when ACC EA started
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At the moment this is like looking through the sweet shop window with empty pockets.
Great to have a look and smell, but oh how I would love a real taste.

I would like to start getting my SR up but can't drive with a flat screen after years of VR. Would be nice to know realistically what time scale the VR is going to be open online.

Have to say I ain't a dev but puzzled how triples can get on line but VR can't, effectively 2 screens?
i think you are not in front of the sweet shop, you are in front of a store that gets recreated behind a curtain and look at some interiour thats currently being reworked and will be opened soon. Some is in, some will be delivered later :eek:
And just possible as a tricky wizard cut a hole in that curtain with the simple spell "+VR" 😄

And be sure, there is technically a big difference between 2(3) monitors and VR
I find it "strange" that there are updates and that they are of such little importance... Let me explain better: so far I have seen updates with solutions to relatively small problems, I don't understand why there still isn't an update that solves much more serious problems ( VR, online server with disconnections and various problems, slow menus, unclear FFB etc. etc.).
I'm sorry to say this because I hope it's an up to par simulator but it almost seems like they took RF2 from a year or two ago and used it as it was, I don't seem to see all the improvements from the last few periods of RF2 (for example the improvements on server-side multiplayer now stable and functional).
I want to convince myself that this is not the case and that within a short time (I repeat: SHORT TIME!!!!) there will be serious patches that make everything perfectly playable and enjoyable, at present it is little more than a demo!!!!
Obviously personal opinion and I would be very happy if the various Admins proved me wrong!!!!
You must realize Studio 397 is a small team of about 15 people. They are not EA or Activision. These guys are probably working day and night to try to improve your experience. and you were able to buy this "demo" for $30. You will get a more substantial update in a few days. As for VR: what would you rather have? A broken mode rushed to market? or something that works but later? again: 15 people. Who were under tremendous pressure to release that game so they can keep their jobs.
The absence of VR is not a "serious problem". They had to delay VR because they are a small team and needed to focus on more important parts of the sim. And this was communicated on day one. EA sports WRC was supposed to implement VR early this year and we are still waiting. And they are a much bigger organization. Be a little more patient. If you only play in VR, you can play other games in the meantime. If you have a flat screen, figure out the bugs, work around them and enjoy some of the best racing you can get on a PC.
I use a vive pro, just bought the game, and it says no VR support yet? Trying the workarounds. Did something change since the first VR hacks or are they still the current solution? THX!