Latest Patch #3 Feedback

I'm really enjoying this Sim more and more with every Patch update and I'm sure that Studio397 will deliver. I know you guys have a lot on your plate, but could you please consider adding the ability to watch and save complete replays. I'm a content creator and would appreciate it very much if this feature was added. I know that there is a work around for this, but i would rather have it in an official release.
Thanks Studio397 for all your dedication to this Sim
I'm really enjoying this Sim more and more with every Patch update and I'm sure that Studio397 will deliver. I know you guys have a lot on your plate, but could you please consider adding the ability to watch and save complete replays. I'm a content creator and would appreciate it very much if this feature was added. I know that there is a work around for this, but i would rather have it in an official release.
Thanks Studio397 for all your dedication to this Sim
magruder's excellent workaround helps a lot, but it takes a while to set up. We do really need a native replay player, especially as the replays are all saved anyway (unless you have them turned off).
i dont know about the physics overall topic BUT i cannot stop the feeling or something is telling me that IN CAR tc and settings we can adjust is slowing us down for around 3/4 seconds per lap? is this only me feeling this? as soon i turn off tc and tc power and slip angle, like all set to off; no instability control, i can drive MUCH faster. but i also make same time with stability control on LOW and tc and tc power and slip angle off… and this ONLY with GTE cars. Someone else with this feeling? i was really desparate how i am suddendly 6 seconds behind all other drivers until i didnt turned all incar adjustments to „0 = off“.
No setting will slow you down 3-4 seconds per lap. We are talking about tenths of seconds that a top driver can perhaps gain by playing with in-car TC.
No setting will slow you down 3-4 seconds per lap. We are talking about tenths of seconds that a top driver can perhaps gain by playing with in-car TC.
you read that wrong i believe. i was telling the opposite: without any in car settings i see i can drive way more faster.
I'm definitely driving faster now than I did with stab control and ABS on although I still haven't got to grips at all with the in car TC settings. I've actually finally got to the point where I find it slightly annoying that I'm racing against drivers using aids and really disappointed to find drivers still using aids in intermediate events.
I'm definitely driving faster now than I did with stab control and ABS on although I still haven't got to grips at all with the in car TC settings. I've actually finally got to the point where I find it slightly annoying that I'm racing against drivers using aids and really disappointed to find drivers still using aids in intermediate events.
i know. its actually crazy how the mindset is changing in only few months active playing… i mean we two „seniors“… started from the bottom now aids-test negative :D
you read that wrong i believe. i was telling the opposite: without any in car settings i see i can drive way more faster.
Yeah, pretty sure JES was saying turning off TC won't gain a top driver more than a few tenths.

Just to be clear though, were you saying 3 or 4 seconds by turning off TC? Just in case you meant 3/4 (three quarters).

FWIW, I can't imagine how TC would slow you down that much, whether high or low skill.
Yeah, pretty sure JES was saying turning off TC won't gain a top driver more than a few tenths.

Just to be clear though, were you saying 3 or 4 seconds by turning off TC? Just in case you meant 3/4 (three quarters).

FWIW, I can't imagine how TC would slow you down that much, whether high or low skill.

what i mean is: something is serious messed up with my gte performance since 2/3 weeks. i dont know what it is. even in race weekends… i have set ai on 100% and with lmp2 and hypercars i eazy beat best times from leading AI but when driving gte, any of them, i‘m 4/5 sec slower… i dont know what set up wrong. no abs no stability control and no tc no tc power no slip angle.. and no i dont spin around :D
I‘m really confused.