Few Advises for "Thrustmaster ForceFeedback Wheels"

Hello I have a problem since the release of the game, I have a TX with the old F1 wheel but I have no force feedback or vibration in my steering wheel, any solutions?
Yes it's explain on the on top 1st message (in step n°4):

* If you are using the old "F1 Wheel" (except with a T818 base): select "NORMAL Mode" (and not "ADVANCED Mode"). In NORMAL Mode the TX will be "Plug & Play" with no issues with the FFB.

* You can select "ADVANCED Mode" with the old "F1 Wheel" but in this case (because VID-PID of the base is not the same) you will need to programm manually all axis, buttons and all the Force Feedback of the wheel.
Is there a reason why my in game wheel not matching my physical wheel? I’ve done this tip and im still having the same issue.
I have this issue too, Thrustmaster T-GT2
In the Thrustmaster Control Panel keep the Rotation Angle at 900°, and in the game you just have to enable "USE STEERING WHEEL RANGE FROM VEHICLE" and "USE STEERING WHEEL MAXIMUM ROTATION FROM DRIVER" in SETTINGS / CONTROLS / WHEEL & PEDALS / CALIBRATE.
= After this the rotation angle of the wheel will be automatically adjusted (depending of the car you are using) (y)
Rotation Angle.png
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I have no FF in game with my t300. All updated as indicated but still no FF
1) Make sure it's notify 1.TTRS.2024 in the T300 CONTROL PANEL: https://ts.thrustmaster.com/download/pictures/PCMAC/T300RS/T300_CPL_FW_V34-1.png

2) In SETTINGS / CONTROLS / WHEEL & PEDALS / FORCE FFEDBACK, just click on "RESET TO DEFAULTS" here: https://community.lemansultimate.com/index.php?attachments/ffb4-png.158/

3) Try with only the USB of the Thrustmaster wheel base connected to the PC (without no other USB devices connected like a USB Gamepad Controller, a USB Shifter, a USB Handbrake, a USB Pedal Set, etc...)
1) Make sure it's notify 1.TTRS.2024 in the T300 CONTROL PANEL: https://ts.thrustmaster.com/download/pictures/PCMAC/T300RS/T300_CPL_FW_V34-1.png

2) In SETTINGS / CONTROLS / WHEEL & PEDALS / FORCE FFEDBACK, just click on "RESET TO DEFAULTS" here: https://community.lemansultimate.com/index.php?attachments/ffb4-png.158/

3) Try with only the USB of the Thrustmaster wheel base connected to the PC (without no other USB devices connected like a USB Gamepad Controller, a USB Shifter, a USB Handbrake, a USB Pedal Set, etc...)
already done but still no FF
Yes it's explain on the on top 1st message (in step n°4):

* If you are using the old "F1 Wheel" (except with a T818 base): select "NORMAL Mode" (and not "ADVANCED Mode"). In NORMAL Mode the TX will be "Plug & Play" with no issues with the FFB.

* You can select "ADVANCED Mode" with the old "F1 Wheel" but in this case (because VID-PID of the base is not the same) you will need to programm manually all axis, buttons and all the Force Feedback of the wheel.
Yes it's already on this option but it doesn't work, I tried a lot of different things, like reverting to 360 degrees or changing the USB port on my PC and even reinstalling the game and nothing works
I had the TM LEATHER 28 GT wheel on my T 300 wheelbase and set to 900 degrees rotation. I had trouble with the LMP2 @ Spa hairpins as I had to turn more than lock to lock to make the corners. I worked around this by turning 'use steering wheel range from vehicle' off and setting it to 180 degrees in calibrate tab.

Switched to the Ferrari add-on wheel and had much more responsive steering and so I switched back to 'use steering wheel range from vehicle' and was able to turn OK for the hairpins.

Good to know there is a difference in LMU.

Add: Remember to check in your wheel control panel if you go back to 'use steering wheel range from vehicle' that the rotation values are reset to what you had before. In my case, that was back to 900.

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In this case probably that the installation of your game is corrupted somewhere = the best is probably to fully uninstall it and install it again.
I will retry this afternoon but i have already unistall the game a lot of times.I hope that this problem will be fixed because i like this simulator
In the Thrustmaster Control Panel keep the Rotation Angle at 900°, and in the game you just have to enable "USE STEERING WHEEL RANGE FROM VEHICLE" and "USE STEERING WHEEL MAXIMUM ROTATION FROM DRIVER" in SETTINGS / CONTROLS / WHEEL & PEDALS / CALIBRATE.
= After this the rotation angle of the wheel will be automatically adjusted (depending of the car you are using) (y)
View attachment 447
I did this and the wheel is still off
I did this and the wheel is still off

Do it the other way. Untick the device driver option. Set your wheel rotation manually in the game (matching what you have it set to in the driver).

Make sure steering help isn't on. (It's F1, it's really easy to accidentally turn on)

That should work.
Hello I have a problem since the release of the game, I have a TX with the old F1 wheel but I have no force feedback or vibration in my steering wheel, any solutions?

did you update the driver and firmware for your base ?

I had the same problem with my TS-XW wheel base and I solved the problem updating the driver and the firmware.
The procedure below applies to the TS-XW base, but most likely you can find something similar for your base in TM support.

First you want to dowload these two files from the Thrustmaster support page:
Executable file: PC - DRIVERS FORCE FEEDBACK [Package 2024_TTRS_1.exe] + Firmware
PDF instructions: Firmware TS-XW Racer - Update Procedure [System Requirement: Windows® 10 / 11]

Run the exe file. It will remove the old driver on your PC and then it will install the new one (perhaps you have to run the file twice).
As soon as that is done you must update the firmware. Just open the PDF file and follow the instruction.
It is very important you can read firmware version 8.07 (for TS-XW base!) in the wheel ctrl panel windows at the end of this process.


And now, my force feedback works in LMU. :)
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The problem is that i don't feel the understeering... better with LMP2 and GTE but not same level as for ACC... anyway iyesterday started to try some modification also on JSON file related to controllers and wheels. it seems a bit better (i'm using TM advanced mode cause of SF1000 wheel). Today i go ahead with with small changing trying to improve this point
I have tried Ferrari and Cadillac LMH/LMdH and loosing ctrl of the rear in a slow corner, without touching any pedal and without any chance to get it back in the line is very, very easy. Not sure if that is real, if it is a setup problem or what, but I never experienced something like that in RF2 or in AMS 2 with the hypercars.
I have a T818. I was having trouble with no feeling in the middle. I saw Michi video about steering torque (although it says not to use for dd wheels) that fixed my center problem
Hello friend,

Can you share that video? I am having the same problem with my ts-pc. I want to have the same feeling as rF2 instead of this. In the middle I have no feelings.

Thank you very much.
Hello friend,

Can you share that video? I am having the same problem with my ts-pc. I want to have the same feeling as rF2 instead of this. In the middle I have no feelings.

Thank you very much.

The tooltip (did?) say to use 0, but it was wrong. If you're using that, put it on 100 where it should be (talking about Steering Torque Sensitivity).

Otherwise, might be good to screenshot your settings, as it might show something wrong.
Je n'ai pas de FF en jeu avec mon t300. Tout a été mis à jour comme indiqué mais toujours pas de FF
J'ai eu moi les mêmes soucis. Ma solution est dans le menu, tu as une commande pour Réinitialiser le FFB en roulant (moi j'ai affecté la touche clavier "R"), donc chaque fois que le bug apparaît je fais "R" et le FFB reviens comme par magie (force max 100%, si tu souhaites baisser la force tu dois passer aux stand pour l'ajuster à ta valeur, pour moi sur GTE Porsch je le met à 80%).
Hello salut à tous meme problème avec mon t300 ts...pas de retour de force volant tout mou...J ai desinstallé le jeu , réinstallé , vérifié les fichiers,j ' ai fait comme scrocchia , mais toujours pareil je désespère...Je réessaierai demain...Si vous avez des tuyaux je suis preneur merci et bonne soirée.
The tooltip (did?) say to use 0, but it was wrong. If you're using that, put it on 100 where it should be (talking about Steering Torque Sensitivity).

Otherwise, might be good to screenshot your settings, as it might show something wrong.


Un thrustmaster Control Panel I have all values at 100%.

Thank you very much.