But you can adjust something. A user in a German forum told me:
open file "Settings.JSON" in the steamapps\common\Le Mans Ultimate\UserData\player folder
"Automatic Pit Menu":4,
1=upon pit ENTRY, change cockpit menu but do not bring up HUD
2=pit ENTRY->cockpit & HUD
The game crashes immediately when you have Afterburner running. Another quirk from LMU.At least. EA managed to just deactivate it in Rally. But Studio 0815 can't handle that either
If the other games have it, it will have its justification.
Why are they so awkward? Be begging so that everyone from 27 - 57 inches can adjust their seat correctly. But they don't integrate the pitch...? ! ?
And because of FFB by car -
This is a given in all other sensible Sims. Nobody talks...
I also have the Simagic but the one with 15NM. I have 3 rally games + Raceroom + ACC + AMS2 +
I never had as many problems in a game as I did at LMU.
If you drive slowly, nothing happens.
Only the holding power increases the faster you drive. But then it’s also too exaggerated. And it...
Since the update I can no longer access the start screen.
“Please press button” Is no longer recognized by the keyboard or the wheel. Only Mouse still works.
In the game, however, wheel and keyboard work.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: But now only micro stutters. :mad: :mad: :mad...
No no no. He wanted to adjust the seat further or turn the FFB down a little.
He then tried in vain and was so distracted by the lack of adjustment options. :mad::eek::rolleyes:
It seems to be very difficult to simply assign a key for pitch in the settings menu. Likewise, I can't understand why the seat isn't fully released forwards and backwards. Where is the problem ? And logically it is then saved via car. The others can do it too. :rolleyes: . FFB by car, Formula 1...
Has something happened ?
The seat is now properly adjustable and is saved. ? - Is Seat Pich also possible - and FFB Per car?
I deleted it from the HDD a long time ago. Don't need beta
If not, I'll just have to keep waiting. That's too stupid for me. . ---- But it can still happen. ----
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